Digital marketing has become one of the productive means of marketing the business in the Internet World. However smaller or bigger your business is, a powerful digital marketing strategy has made it easier for the small scale businesses to compete with their bigger counterparts in the marketplace of the World.
There are various ways to digitally market your business.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization is a marketing technique where the first one to be searched and clicked gets marketed in the digital world. This marketing strategy makes the usage of keywords in order to boost the business site to the customers when they use search engines.
Search Engine Marketing is another way to digitally market your online business. A diverse and complicated marketing strategy, SEM drives traffic to your business, through paid efforts at first hence, it is also known as Paid Search Marketing (PSM). As per the business structure, PPC(Pay per click), or CPC( Cost Per Click ), or CPM( cost per thousand impressions ) model may be used. Moreover, SEM uses various platforms such as Google AdWords (Google Network) and Bing Ads (Yahoo Bing Network).
Content Creation is another form of digital marketing. Content can be presented in diverse formats such as blogs, e-books, case studies, how-to–guides, forums, images, infographics, webinars, podcasts, social media sites and so on.
Social Media Marketing is a branch of SEM which includes social sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc to drive traffic to the website. Hence, the creation of good content is a must for social media platforms.
Digital Display Advertising, a subset of SEM, uses a variety of display advertising formats to target audiences. This marketing strategy includes text, image, banner, video ads and so on.
Mobile Marketing is another form of digital marketing. Mobile marketing is a potential marketing strategy and has continued to grow. As per the report, by 2016, mobile devices were expected to reach 2.6 billion units worldwide.
Web analytics is the most important strategies of Digital marketing. This strategy helps you to collect, measure, understand, analyze, plan, report and predict the web activities for the business site. Some of the well-known tools for Web Analytics are Google Analytics, Spring Metrics, Woopra, Clicky, Mint, and Chartbeat.
Apart from these strategies, Interactive Marketing, Viral Marketing, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Media Planning, and Buying are also the forms of digital marketing strategies which are in fact comprehensive strategy frameworks for digital marketing.
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